Weight Loss, Intuitive Eating and The Power of Food Prep
In the beginning, I started this blog because I was dissatisfied with Weight Watcher recipes. They were bland and tasteless to me and I knew I could create better and healthier recipes. I would create a recipe, put it into their Recipe Builder ap so I could determine the points. This is how the blog -Gourmet Done Skinny was born. To read more about the beginning of my weight loss journey including my pilate’s accident, stroke and weight gain- check out this blog post.
Weight Watchers worked well for a few years. However, I soon tired of the weightloss game. I was tired of tracking points, tired of saving points for special occasions, tired of food having a number value. I also was tired of not being able to be spontaneous and go out with friends. The focus became solely on food and the number of points. Foods were “good” and “bad.” I just wanted to eat and not have to think about every bite.
Around the same time that I started Weight Watchers (2016), I also started listening to Cookie Rosenblum’s podcast – Weightloss Made Real. I knew there had to be a better way. I started researching more about intuitive eating. It all made sense to me. I joined her program in 2019 and have never been on a diet since. I learned to be a “natural” eater.

Here are my 4 key habits after learning how to be a “natural” eater and intuitive eater these past 5 years.
- Only eat when you are hungry – this means if others are eating, you don’t eat unless you are hungry. I was a big habitual eater, eating because “it’s noon,” and if everyone else was eating so I should too. This may sound “easy, ” only eating when you’re hungry- but there are a lot of people who are emotional eaters so you have to figure out if you are truly physically hungry which can be hard to do. Most of the time when we think we are hungry, it’s a craving for something else. We substitute food for self care. But it’s figuring out if you are truly hungry that is the key to weight loss. Changing your thoughts is key. The program I was in really laser focused in on all of that.
- Only eat until you are lightly satisfied – if two bites of a sandwich fills you up, stop. Be done. You can waste food on your “waist” or “waste” it in the trash – or better yet – save it for later. I have a great method and knack for reheating foods. This again is another huge part. We overeat and the portions restaurants give us are 3-4 times what we really need.
- Try to eat 80% of healthier foods – that means most of the time you make healthier choices. But no food is off limits.
- The Power of Food Prep (paid link) – The fourth biggest reason I’ve kept weight off is that I utilize the power of food prep (paid link). I cook only 3 times a week, yet enjoy homemade food 7 days a week. Eating out packs on the pounds. Cooking your own food, not only saves you money but it saves you so many calories and is so much better for you! My family rarely gets a cold or the flu and I swear it’s because we eat fresh food and not all the junk.
What has “being a natural eater,” done for me?
- I haven’t been on a “diet” now for over 4 years
- I’ve stayed the same weight for over 4 years – slight fluctuations at times but basically the same weight. Yes I am up 10 pounds from my lowest with Weight Watchers but it’s not about the number, it’s how I feel. I no longer beat myself up anymore about weight.
- No food is off limits. If I want pizza, I have pizza. Now I may only eat 2 bites or one slice, but I don’t eat half the pizza anymore. I know I can have it anytime I want so I don’t feel like I have to eat it all now.
- Because no food is off limits, I don’t feel deprived. It’s amazing how that makes you feel and how that helps change your habits.
- I’ve learned all about self care – and that food isn’t my “go to” for self care anymore – where it was before. Sure I “treat” myself with food occasionally, but it’s not the only self care I do.
So how can this help you?
I just wanted to give you another perspective this time of year. You don’t “have to be on a diet.” You can change your mindset and habits. With intuitive eating, it may take a bit longer as the weight doesn’t always fall off so quickly like doing a fad diet, no carb diet, or other diets but I no longer feel deprived, and I still get to eat bread and whenever I want. And I’m happy with me. Just some food for thought. Pun intended 🙂
This post does contain affiliate links which means that if you click on them and/or buy something I may earn a small commission -at no extra cost to you. I only recommend the things I actually use in my kitchen and/or blog. By clicking and buying these items, you help keep my recipe blog running. Thank you!
Cookie no longer has her Freedom Program but you can still do her online program.
Amber Abila (a former mentor in Cookie’s program) has her own great program, you can find her here.
Amber will be speaking to my Gourmet Done Skinny Group on January 4th. If you’re interested, sign up for our private group. (It’s free!)
You can learn more about this type of eating with these books:
Clearing Your Path to Permanent Weight Loss by Cookie Rosenblum
Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole