- Do you have an Instant Pot?
- Confused about which one to buy?
There are a million choices out there! Let’s learn all about this fabulous pot with my new 5 part module video series. I’ll get you up and running in no time! You won’t believe how much time and effort this one little pot can save you!
I’m a cook who loves to do everything homemade. I love to do things the “slow” way but when I discovered this pot – over 14 years ago, it changed the way I cook. Meats come out tender and juicy in no time. No need to soak beans and lentils. It makes cooking a breeze as you can be doing other things while it’s cooking. No stirring, no watching. It’s so fabulous! And it’s a workhorse for food prep! It’s one of the key appliances I use in my food prep membership, Food Prep for Foodies.
Are you scared to use the instant pot? I know it sounds silly but it’s true. So many people have them but never open the box. I have taught hundreds of people not to be scared and why? Because this little appliance can help you so much with food prep!
Class includes over 18 video lessons. You can watch them at your leisure, learn all my tips and tricks, troubleshooting and I’ll show you how to make some of my favorite instant pot recipes and more!
This class makes a perfect gift for someone who has one but doesn’t use it or give them an Instant Pot and this Video Series!
I’ve been wanting to do this Beginner Instant Pot Video Class for a long time. So many of my readers are afraid to use their Instant Pot. They buy one but then it just sits in the pantry, garage, closet collecting dust. Has this ever happened to you? Do you have one of these models just sitting around?

Are you….
- Scared to open the box?
- Not confident to try pressure cooking by yourself?
- Wondering if there are any tips and tricks to using the Instant Pot?
- Curious as to what all you can do with it?