Resources for Food Bloggers
According to Wikipedia: “Food blogging represents a complex interweaving of “foodie” or gourmet interest in cooking with those of blog writing and photography. The majority of blogs use pictures taken by the author himself/herself and some of them focus specifically on food photography.”
According to me – Amy Lawrence: A food blogger is usually a foodie who loves to eat, cook, write about food and take pictures of their food. My kids laugh at me because I do all of the above. I am a live to eat person!
How did I get started food blogging?
People have often asked me how I got started food blogging. For me, I really feel like I just fell into it. It started out as a project and was originally to be a recipe website with Weight Watcher Points, I created first for myself. Rather quickly I decided that others could also really benefit from having gourmet recipes with WW Freestyle Smart Points. After getting started, I discovered there’s whole new world of food blogging I never really knew about.

FAQ about food blogging
Do you make money food blogging?
Yes, you most certainly can! It takes time and effort but you can make money through ads, affiliate marketing, sponsorships and your own products.
How long does it take to get traffic to your blog and make money?
Every blogger is different but in my experience, it takes at least a year to build up your traffic and start making money.
How do you become a food blogger?
There’s really no one certain way to become a food blogger, but my answer to starting anything is research! Read everything you can about Food Blogging. Go to a food blogging conference, join food blogger networks and groups. I highly recommend Food Blogger Pro as they really detail out how to start with videos, resources and information to set up your blog, do the food photography, get traffic to your site, affiliate marketing and more! The more you know how to do everything the better your blog will be!
What are the secrets of being a food blogger?
Really there are no “secrets,” but here are a few tips that really can help.
- Be your authentic self – don’t do what others do, find your own niche and speak in your own voice.
- Write really good content! Do your best. Don’t just post, to get something out there.
- Don’t get overwhelmed. There are a million little things you need to do to get started. One thing at a time. Just strive to do something that helps your blog every day.
- Get help! Learn everything you can! There are so many moving parts and most people don’t know how to do most of them. Get connected, join blogging groups, take classes, be a sponge!
This post does contain affiliate links including affiliate links from the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which means that if you click on them and/or buy something I may earn a small commission -at no extra cost to you. I only recommend the things I actually use in my kitchen and/or blog. By clicking and buying these items, you help keep my recipe blog running. Thank you!
Here are some of the resources I use as a food blogger:
Food Blogger Pro – This is my how to “Bible” of Food Blogging. How to’s on everything from setting up, photography, marketing and more! Videos are very detailed. I still subscribe because I’m always learning new things and I love their Food Blogger Pro Community. You ask a question, and people respond. This was my first big purchase towards my business and it has really paid off! They only do open enrollment every so often so sign up and get on their waiting list as soon as possible.
The Bite Shot – Joanie Simon is my idol. She’s a fantastic photographer and an even better teacher. She explains the camera and photography in language you can understand. She has a ton of free videos on YouTube and also does classes. I’ve attended a few of her classes and they are absolutely amazing. Her Artificial Academy is so worth it!
Everything Digital Marketing – This course is all about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO was my biggest weakness as a new blogger. I took Ty’s course and my traffic soared. He walks you through everything in his videos and his Facebook live trainings provide support to questions you have that are relevant to your specific site. One of my best purchases ever!
Tasty Pins – Allows you to easily optimize your images and pins for Pinterest, SEO and screen readers.
Tasty Recipes – A great recipe plug in with support. I love their new feature of scaling! Users can just click on 1x, 2x, or 3x and the amount of ingredients change.
Tasty Links – Automatically links keywords on your Word Press blog. Makes my life so much easier! No more remembering to put in affiliate links! Or even links to other recipes. It’s all done automatically for you!
Marketing Calendar by CoSchedule – This is a great service that I use to schedule my social media content.
Here is my review of CoSchedule. I have subscribed to CoSchedule for almost 3 years. I’m so happy that I found it early in my food blogging career. I am a very visual person and it has truly helped me organize, schedule posts and social media. In the beginning of your blogging career, you are totally lost and overwhelmed, CoSchedule took away all of those feelings for me. I love being able to see everything on the calendar and then be easily able to move it around by clicking and dragging. Makes my life so much simpler.
There is a lot to CoSchedule that I’m still learning about. I love how you can create projects, work with team members, and even work with multiple clients. I also love how you can color code everything too. One of the best things for me about CoSchedule is the support. I have been on the chat 3 times this week for various reasons and each time, the person replies in less than 30 seconds. I mean, that is service! Not in an hour, not 24 hours but seriously, right away! I recommend them highly! In fact, I tell every new blogger I meet about CoSchedule. If you’re thinking about trying it out, do! I asked about the trial period for a food blogger friend of mine, the chat person said 14 days, but if they needed more time, then to chat with them. What great personal service!
Tailwind – Saves me so much time scheduling to Pinterest and Instagram. They also have a tribe community which gets your pins out there and noticed.